fall home maintenance

Our Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Are you looking forward to some cooler weather with the change of seasons? With fall starting, that means that it’s an excellent time to knock out some home maintenance tasks! We have compiled suggestions to get your home’s exterior ready for the season. Continue reading for some great tips.

Clean Your Gutters

It’s important to keep leaves and other debris out of your gutters. Flush out anything that made its way into your gutters this summer to ensure that they work correctly. Gutters full of debris are more susceptible to damage during significant storms. Get them cleaned up and ready for fall!

Inspect Your Attic

It’s a good idea to get up in your attic to ensure no concerns. Check for pests that could have made their homes in your attic over the summer. Ensure that your attic insulation levels are adequate for keeping the cooler weather from affecting your energy bill. If you see any signs of roof leaks, contact Roof Pros immediately!

Check Your Doors and Windows

You will want the seals on your doors and windows to be in working order this fall. Fix small leaks and cracks with some caulk. Give your windows a good cleaning to knock off pollen and debris from the summer. Newspaper is an eco-friendly tool to clean windows with and causes less streaking than regular paper towels.

Have Your HVAC Tuned Up

With cold weather right around the corner, you’ll want to ensure that your HVAC is working well. Schedule a tune-up appointment to give yourself peace of mind as the weather cools off.

Update Your Landscaping

The fall is an excellent time of the year to fertilize your lawn! Try to keep leaves raked up to prevent the grass underneath from rotting. Keeping leaves raked can also help deter bugs who would try to live in piles of rotting leaves. Trim back tree limbs that could fall onto your roof. If you’re feeling festive, stick some fall decor on your patio!

Schedule a Roof Inspection

If you haven’t had your roof inspected yet this year, now is the time to cross this home maintenance task off of your list!  An annual roof inspection helps ensure that minor damage doesn’t turn into significant repairs later down the road. If your roof was damaged this summer, an inspection now would prevent issues in the winter. The experts at Roof Pros want to give you a free inspection this fall! Call us at 888-844-4245 or visit our website to book your free inspection.

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