Roofing Problems to Watch for in Spring!

Spring has officially sprung! Although everyone is in much need of the warmth that accompanies this season, some complications can join it as well. It is the perfect season to determine what kind of wear and tear the winter brought your roof before spring and summer showers make those problems more severe. Remember these roofing problems as you clean and care for your home in warmer weather. 

  • Moisture Damage

Heavy rain and storms can cause water to get stuck inside your roof. If this happens, dealing with the trapped moisture ASAP is essential to help prevent further damage like leaks or rot from occurring, especially with spring showers nearing. Trees will shed their leaves in the colder seasons, and the wind carries them straight to your roof. This debris can quickly pile up and hinder your gutters, trapping moisture that will wreak havoc on your home. Leaves draw water from the air as they rot, spreading it to your shingles and causing long-term damage. An abundance of moisture can lead to mold and decreases your home’s air quality. Plus, wet insulation will increase your energy bills over time. 

An excellent way to fix the trapped moisture on your roof is to check your roof structure before spring rainstorms begin. Contact an experienced roofing contractor to inspect your shingles and framing for rot, damage, and leaks. Repairing these ahead of time will save you money and give you peace of mind. 

  • Pesky pests

Winter Damage can make your home more vulnerable to squirrels, raccoons, birds, and other critters. When warm weather approaches, animals and insects rise from hibernation and search for food and shelter to prepare them for spring. Structural damage to your roof welcomes pests into your home and allows them to access your attic easily. The main culprit of this can be loose shingles or damaged flashing. Rodents like squirrels, mice, and raccoons can damage your ventilation system and electrical wiring. Plus, it is not uncommon for pests to attempt to settle in your insulation or between walls, causing a huge mess. 

  • Leaks

It’s no surprise that the harsh weather conditions in winter can damage your roofing, but did you know it can also create gaps between your roof components? As the weather warms, you may find that damage on your roof brings moisture inside your home. This may occur from hail, strong winds, or heavy rain. Start by checking your roof for weather damage before your roof becomes irreparable or your home leaks. Leaks can lead to expensive water damage repairs and stain your ceilings and walls. In the worst-case scenario, it can cause flooding in areas of your home and attract pests. 

Examine your home for any water stains and try to spot gaps and cracks on your roof before spring showers hit. Don’t forget to check your attic during the daylight to see if there are spots where the sun can shine. This is an indication that there is damage to your roof. Then, call a local roofing company to further inspect, assess, and repair your roof. 

How We Can Help

Unpredictable weather creates unforeseen problems. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the proper professional to inspect the integrity of your home before the damage worsens. Roof Pros Florida has provided residential and commercial customers with the highest quality services for over a decade! Visit to schedule a FREE roof inspection with us today.

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