Storm Proof Your Home Year Round With These Tips

It’s no secret living in Florida that the storm season is daunting. In the past hurricanes can bring heavy rain, wind, and flooding. To avoid stress going into storm season, use this guide to stay prepared year-round!

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trimming back the trees that touch your home or roof is always a good idea. When there are high winds, the branches on your house are likely to rub on your roof and siding and could lead to damage. This can result in loose shingles or cracked windows during a storm. Plan ahead and trim your branches at least once a year, or any time you notice they have grown over your home. 

Clean Gutters out Regularly

Cleaning your gutters regularly can help you limit your home’s chances of flooding. When your gutters are working properly, they’re able to take the excess water from your roof and direct it away from your home. Keep your eye out for any sitting water or erosion happening at the base of your gutters; this could mean they’re in need of maintenance. 

Have a Plan 

Having a plan in place will help your family stay safe in your home in the case of a storm. In areas where hurricanes are common, window protection is a must! Getting hurricane-strength windows to withstand wind, or having shutters that you can close to protect your glass is necessary! 

Other tools that can help protect your home include garage door braces and generators! These tools will help you be prepared in the case of a storm and can be stored year-round at your home. 

Get a Roof Inspection

The last thing anyone wants during a storm is a roof leak. If your roof has previous storm damage, its barrier is weakened and you’re at risk for a roof leak. Staying on top of your annual roof inspections will help you feel confident in your roof’s ability to protect you from the outside elements. 

Looking to schedule an inspection? Contact our team today!

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