The Eco-Friendly Homeowners Guide

For the eco-conscious homeowner, home improvement projects aren’t always so simple. Well, we have made it easier for you! Take your next home remodel one step further by following these tips. 

What is Eco-Friendly Design? 

In interior design, the term eco-friendly design or green design gets thrown around frequently. But what does this mean exactly? Eco-friendly design is design choices with an overarching goal of limiting human impact on the planet. This can come down to the materials you use, where they were made, or where you put them.

Buy Fair Trade Furniture

Where your materials come from has a big impact on your carbon footprint. Buying fair trade, or ethically sourced materials means that they didn’t come from a long line of supply chains. If you’re interested in learning more about what it means to buy fair trade, check it out here


Buying or using second hand items in your home may not be your go-to style, but it has its perks! Especially if you buy vintage items locally to avoid carbon emissions through shipping. Refinishing an older piece to better match your home is an eco-friendly choice too!





Research Materials 

Whether it’s for a new couch in your living room, shingles on your roof, or paint in your bedroom, do your research beforehand to look for eco-friendly choices. Organic fabrics for your upholstery will hold up well over time and are a healthy non-toxic choice for your home. Your wooden dining room table could last longer over time if it comes from a notable source.  Asphalt shingles on your roof can be recycled to avoid taking up space in the landfill. If you’re looking for a reliable roof expert, contact us today

When designing your home, make a conscious effort to look further into where you are getting our products from. Oftentimes these materials will last longer or even be able to be repurposed. 

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